dinsdag 22 december 2015

More newzzzz for you out there !!!

Hey you rockerzzz,

Back with some newzzz for you out there

4 gigs for 2016 are allready confirmed ...

• 15/01/16 - café Den Duyck Izegem
• 13/05/16 - Kroegentocht Izegem
• 09/07/16 - Remorke Rock Beitem
• 17/12/16 - OzzyFest Ledegem

We can also proudly announce that our Bass player has become a dad for the first time.
Congratzz with your son Iain

Our guitarist Wost organised the 3x3 kroegentocht in october, which was a huge success.
 Thank you all for joining us there.

We would also like to say thanks to Anthony who has always joined us in helping out during our gigs. You are surely a full member of MFH Coverband !!! THANX

For any bookings, please call 0476/459987 or mail to mfh@mfh.be

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