dinsdag 22 december 2015

More newzzzz for you out there !!!

Hey you rockerzzz,

Back with some newzzz for you out there

4 gigs for 2016 are allready confirmed ...

• 15/01/16 - cafĂ© Den Duyck Izegem
• 13/05/16 - Kroegentocht Izegem
• 09/07/16 - Remorke Rock Beitem
• 17/12/16 - OzzyFest Ledegem

We can also proudly announce that our Bass player has become a dad for the first time.
Congratzz with your son Iain

Our guitarist Wost organised the 3x3 kroegentocht in october, which was a huge success.
 Thank you all for joining us there.

We would also like to say thanks to Anthony who has always joined us in helping out during our gigs. You are surely a full member of MFH Coverband !!! THANX

For any bookings, please call 0476/459987 or mail to mfh@mfh.be

maandag 15 december 2014

... more gig news

New upcomming events ...

26/12/14 - Private Bday  Roeselare
31/01/15 - Rockavo Rollegem - Kapelle !!! BE THERE !!!
31/05/15 - Oostnieuwkerke (tbc)

zondag 21 september 2014

News & Gigs ...

Hello y'all,

Long time no hear ....
But don't worry, we haven't been just sitting around.
We want to welcome our new gitarist Matthias Clarysse to the band.
Also we like to welcome Staf to the MFH family. Congratz to our singer and his wife.

Now some MFH music related business ...
New gigs are anounced:
26/09/14 @ Jh Chaplin in Sint-Eloois-Winkel
25/10/14 @ Wingene
29/11/14 @ Surfclub Duinbergen Knokke-Heist
31/01/14 @ De Kobbe in Rollegem-Kapelle

and still some more gigs are in negotiation ....

We hope to see you at one of our gigs !!!

donderdag 24 april 2014

News and Gigs ....


We're back again ...
Upcoming gigs:

09/05/2014 - Kroegentocht Izegem
24/05/2014 - Meeuwen (Limburg)
31/05/2014 - Bday Oekene
26/09/2014 - Jh Chaplin Sint-Eloois-Winkel

also check out Spoil Engine at the 10 year anniversary of this super great band !!!
CC den Bunder Moorslede on 17/05/2014

more news to come soon ....


dinsdag 27 augustus 2013

Gig list update ... again ...

Check us out at following gigs : ....

• 28-08-13 @ Izegem End of the summer ...
• 07-09-13 @ Moorslede
• 13-09-13 @ Private ...
• 21-09-13 @ Private ... part II
• 06-10-13 @ 3x3 Sint-Eloois-Winkel
• 12-10-13 @ Merkem Koekezaterdag
• 25-10-13 @ Ledegem RocktoberFest

be there ... somewhere in Flanders Fields

New website online !!!

Check out our new website www.mfh.be ...
Feel free to give us your comments ....

zaterdag 23 maart 2013

New gigs added ...

Sat May 04 - MFH Live @ Crosspop
Sat May 11 - MFH Live @ Izegem Headbangersball II
Sat Jul 06 - MFH Live @ Beitem (tbc)
Thu Aug 29 - MFH Live @ Izegem (tbc)
Fri Sep 20 - MFH Live @ ??? (tbc)
Sun Oct 06 - MFH live @ 3x3 (tbc)
Sat Oct 12 - MFH Live @ Merkem

... be there !!!

donderdag 3 januari 2013

MFH live in 2013 ...

New Dates 2013


be there !!!

more dates to be announced soon ...
Check our site as well